Kilka dni temu odwiedziłam pracownię pani Ireny Ignaciuk, w Lewkowie Starym, która specjalizuje się w unikatowej technice tkackiej zwanej perebory. Nazwa ta pochodzi od słowa 'parabirać', które oznacza przebierać, wybierać. Perebory to tkanina wybierana. Wzór tworzony jest za pomocą cienkiej drewnianej listewki, tło wypełnia splot płócienny. Relację rozpocznę od wiersza o tytule 'Minułaje a nie zabytaje' (minione, lecz nie zapomniane). Jest to poemat o lnie napisany i wydeklamowany po białorusku przez Lubę Sakowicz, ktorą miałam okazję poznać w trakcie mojej podróży.
A few days ago I visited a workshop of Irena Ignaciuk, in Lewkowo Stare (Podlaskie Voivodeship) who specializes in a technique called 'perebory'. The name comes from a belarusian word 'parabirać' which means pick over, sort... This unique technique is based on choosing the design by a flat slat, the background is filled with plain weave. To create a textile two people are needed, one is sitting at the loom, choose the design and works with shuttles, the second one is helping; puts slats (in front and behind shafts). I begin my relation with a belarusian poem about linen written and read by Luba Sakowicz, whom I met during my trip.
A few days ago I visited a workshop of Irena Ignaciuk, in Lewkowo Stare (Podlaskie Voivodeship) who specializes in a technique called 'perebory'. The name comes from a belarusian word 'parabirać' which means pick over, sort... This unique technique is based on choosing the design by a flat slat, the background is filled with plain weave. To create a textile two people are needed, one is sitting at the loom, choose the design and works with shuttles, the second one is helping; puts slats (in front and behind shafts). I begin my relation with a belarusian poem about linen written and read by Luba Sakowicz, whom I met during my trip.
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